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Repair + Service : Titus Alarm - Cal AS5008

This Titus Alarm watch was in a lot I bought from a retired watchmaker. Glass is scratchy but the dial looks good. The watch doesn't work, neither does the alarm. Time to find out!

Something unusual here, there is a setting lever in balance. Luckily the hairspring isn't damaged. As soon as I remove the setting lever, the watch starts running.

Below the dial, date and day ring appear.

quick date and day changing system. This watch hasn't been cleaned for a while.

Left side the alarm system with its own mainspring. Right side the gear train. Both mainsprings are winded by the rotor.

Alarm mainspring is broken and needs replacement. For the geartrain, a new spring will be used as well.

All cleared, time for cleaning

New parts have arrived. New setting lever for the alarm part, new clutch wheel and setting wheel. These last two were slipping while changing the time.

To start on this one, just as a regular watch. First the gear train.

Then the setting levers. Both of them as the yoke spring is shared for both systems.

Balance in place and starts running perfect. Time for the alarm system!

The required springs to trigger the alarm. The alarm works as follows: the alarms ring has three small holes, the hour wheel has 3 pins. At a certain setpoint, these three pins fit exact in the holes of the alarm wheel. Due to the alarm spring below the hour wheel, the hour wheel will move upwards and the alarm spring will unblock the alarm hammer on the other site of the movement. Very nice system!

Date and day changing system in place and the watch is almost ready.

As it has an alarm function, not that easy to regulate. But first you have to set the hour hand. Then make sure the alarm triggers at a certain hour so you can remove the hour hand and place the alarm hand. Then the other hands.

The hands can use a new layer of paint.

Not bad for an old watch and so many parts. Runs smoothly!

New glass and hands repainted. A very nice watch

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